Monday, July 10, 2006

Chapter Four

Hat, Hong John and Wellington were doing very well with their helpdesk and they became very good friends. One day Hat received a call from one of Santa's elves. A penguin had become stuck in one of the toy making machines and the elves didn't know how to repair it. Hat and his friends helped the elves repair the machine (as well as recommend a good cleaning service... eewwww!). While Hat had them on the phone he wanted to know what Santa was going to bring for his little niece Hannastasia. The elf searched and searched but couldn't find any record of Hat's niece. Uncle Hat became very frustrated but the elf refused to continue the conversation. "Santa's Naughty & Nice list is very thorough. He couldn't make a mistake like this." the elf said and hung up the phone. "Oh no!" thought Uncle Hat. "Santa can't possibly skip Hannah on her very first Christmas! I've got to do something!" But Uncle Hat had no idea what to do. He called his friend Princess Dirkey. "There's only one thing to do" she said. "We'll just have to go to the North Pole and see Santa in person."
So Uncle Hat and Princess Dirkey set off on their journey to see Santa. Uncle Hat's hatchback steed was very reliable and had great fuel economy but it was missing one thing. It didn't have a Jolly Fat Man Detector. Hat and Dirkey wandered around the North Pole for hours but couldn't find Santa's workshop. All they found were Reindeer.
They decided to follow the reindeer and their strategy worked. The deer lead them right to the front gates.
Unfortunately, Santa's magical kingdom was guarded. The guards would not allow Hat and Dirkey to enter. So they disguised themselves as reindeer and snuck in.
Once they were in they quickley found Santa and explained to him the mix up. Santa not only discovered that he had missed Hannastasia but many other children too. "Oh my goodness!" Santa cried. "That would have been horrible. You two have helped prevent a great mistake. What can I do to repay you?"
They both asked for Chocolate.

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