Monday, June 26, 2006

Chapter Three

Hat now had even more reason to miss his family back in New Jersey. After spending several days at home it was time for him to return to Virginia. Upon returning Hat decided that even though he liked working with the other subcontractors he wanted to be closer to his family so he decided he would move closer to home.
Hat began his quest and traveled north. One day, as he walked, he found what looked like an abandon computer factory. Hat decided to go inside and look around. He found lots of old useless junk but there were a few good pieces scattered around. Hat was then shocked to discover there was a Chinese man living in the old factory.
"Hello" he said. "My name is Hong John Silver. I used to have a nice job but then they layed me off. I wandered the country side until I found this old factory. I've been living here ever since. It would be great to get this place going again but I can't do it all by myself." Hat thought about this for a while and realized that this place was much closer to New Jersey. So Hong John Silver and Hat found another person named Mr. Wellington to help them. Hat, Hong John and Wellington became good friends. Their first task was to clean all the useless junk out of the factory. It took a long time but eventually they finished. They were very proud of themselves.
"OH NO!!" They realized that after all that cleaning, there wasn't enough equipment left to get the factory back up and running. "What will we do now?" they cried.
They were very sad. All that work for nothing. So they decided to open a helpdesk and provide tech support.

Chapter Two

Hat (not yet Uncle Hat) had received a call from his brother. Hat's brother told him that ther father was very sick so Hat drove through the night to see his family. Not long after he began his journey he was assailed by highway bandits.

Hat pleaded with the bandit to let him go but they would not relent. The evil heartless bandit demanded he pay them money for driving too fast. So after the bandit gave Hat a ticket he was on his way once again.

Hat arrived in New Jersey and was greeted with good news. Not only was his father getting better but his brother's wife had given birth to their first child. Hat was very happy to see his new niece.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Chapter One

Once upon a time there was a man named Hat.
Hat lived in the land of New Jersey.... at least until he lost his job that is. Hat's brother Josh got Hat a job at the slave labor camp where he worked. The slave labor camp was a miserable place to work. They were very mean to their employees but at least they treated their customers like family. While working at the slave labor camp Hat met the beautiful Princess Dirkey. Dirkey and Hat became friends and even went to a Dave Matthews concert together but the rest of that story comes later.
The slave labor camp continually dangled the carrot of career advancement in front of Hat so he stuck around. Eventually Hat realized that he would never get that carrot. Hat moved to the far off land of Newport News where he got a job as a sub-contractor for the King's Army.
This was a good job. Hat liked the other sub-contractors and the lovely peninsula that he lived on but Hat was lonely. He was very far away from his friends and family. Fortunately he was able to travel home to New Jersey periodically because he had a magical horse with two doors and a hatch back.
Hat also kept in touch with Princess Dirkey by writing letters and sometimes visiting her when he traveled home to New Jersey.
Late one night Hat's brother called him and told him that their father was very sick. Hat got in his trusty hatchbacked steed and traveled through the night to New Jersey.
To be continued....